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If you are making a logical argument, there are many errors of thinking that can creep in. It may be unintentional, or it may be deliberate deception. Either way, if your argument hinges on one of these fallacies, it is invalid. You haven't demonstrated anything to be true. Each of them has a name (sometimes several names) to help identify them. This can be useful when pointing out these errors to people. I find that the same person may make the same mistake over and over, so pointing out the type of mistake they are making will hopefully cause them to correct their thinking. Unfortunately, some people take no notice and continue to use the error. At this point, there is not much you can do. I've created a list of the most common errors you are likely to see particular in regard to theism and atheism, how they may come up, and why they are errors.Highlighting these errors is an important method for finding fault with an opposing argument.


Some of these are more just dishonest practices, but the same sort of principle applies. I've put these all together because they are the kind of thing you will see time and again when listening to theists. You may find alternative names for these fallacies elsewhere, I don't intend these titles to be definitive. This is only meant as a basic introduction to this topic, giving my personal interpretation which I hope will be useful. If you want more detailed information, please click on the green arrow beside each example below to view the wikipedia article (not available on all mobile devices).


Logical fallacies / dishonest techniques 

"You can't prove god doesn't exist!"

"I don't see how all this could have come about without a god!"

"How can you know there's no god?"

"How could the universe have just appeared out of nowhere?"


"The bible is true because it's the word of god."

"It's the word of god because the bible says so."

"There's a famous scientist who agrees with me!"

"My priest says it's true!"

"2 million people think it is true!"

"All of the Christians can't be wrong!"

"God is real."

"Well I believe God is real."

"Science doesn't have all the answers either!"

"Well, your system of morality isn't perfect!"

"This is the kind of tired, predictable argument I expect from you."

"He had a mental illness, so we can ignore his argument.

"God is the god of the bible."

"Evolution is wrong so creationism is right."

"There is a god."

"Humans have a soul."

"Evolution is false, so god made everything."

"So you're saying Jesus didn't exist at all?"

Darwin said, "To suppose that the eye ... could have been formed by natural

selection, seems, I freely confess, absurd in the highest degree."

"ISIS are not true Islam."

"You were never a true Christian."

"I can show there must have been a first cause, so there is a god."

"God must exist because I can show abiogenesis is impossible."

"Science has got things wrong in the past though."
"How can we know anything is true?"

"Do you want to upset your mother and father over this?"

"God will judge you, and you will suffer."

"God has always existed."

"Muslims think they are right, but I know Christianity really is right."


"Well you have faith in science!"

"Like all parents, god must punish his children."

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