"Since there is a god, it is the god of the Bible."
"Primates still exist so evolution is false."
This is where one step does not logically lead to the next. In other words, a big "leap" has been made which has not been supported. This is commonly seen when someone tries to say that if there is a god, it is automatically the God of their religion. This does not follow at all, there are an infinite number of possible gods, and it needs to be demonstrated why it is your god.
The evolution argument is common too. We didn't evolve from modern day primates, we share a common ancestor with them. They are like our "cousins".
This is probably the easiest fallacy to spot, because of the glaringly obvious lack of an explanation to get to from one step to the next. This is often piled on top of an argument which doesn't quite reach the conclusion your opponent wants.