This is a list of changes and additions I make to the site, so that you can quickly look for new content. Newest changes at the top!
A big thank you to Lucanus and Norman Humann, and any others I have forgotten, for helping collect together text for the recaps in the Never Ending Story.
03/11/2015: Added Chapter 11 of the Never Ending Story, and added a link to the youtube playlist for the story.
10/10/2015: Added Chapter 10 of the Never Ending Story. Added a link to my youtube channel on the Links page.
31/08/2015: Added Creationist Cat to my recommended youtube channels on the Links page.
25/08/2015: I recorded Chapter 9 of the Never Ending Story. I inserted a page for Chapter 7, although it has not been recorded yet.
22/07/2015: I realized the mobile version was an absolute mess! Hopefully it should be readable now. I also added a
New members' guide for AtheistForums.org
18/07/2015: Improved the wording on the Scientific method page, especially the opening paragraph. Thanks to kingpin for highlighting how this could be improved.
18/07/2015: Added Scepticism page, with my video discussion. Also added a video to the Argument from ignorance/incredulity page.
13/07/2015: Corrected a mistake on the Logical fallacies/dishonest techniques page where the examples for special pleading were a duplicate of the examples above it.
30/06/2015: Added video of chapter 8 to The Never Ending Story. Chapter 7 was due to be recorded by a friend but he hasn't yet been able to. I'll include it in the future if he comes back to it.
30/06/2015: Added videos of my pets in the Extras section.
15/05/2015: Added more content to the Atheism/theism page, a further text box going into more detail.
30/04/2015: Added a discussion of supernatural causation to the Natural and supernatural page.
09/04/2015: Changed the title! Not super happy with it, so suggestions are welcome.
09/04/2015: Added a link to The Thinking Atheist Forum to the Contact/Forum section.
31/03/2015: Added a warning to the Never ending story page. Thanks to Strawdawg for drawing my attention to the fact there is no warning for the language and content.
22/03/2015: Added Iron Chariots and Talk Origins to the Links page. Improved some of the wording on the
What is atheism/theism? page.
20/03/2015: Fixed a typo, thanks to Watchamadoodle.
20/03/2015: Finished the Logical fallacies page, and renamed it Logical fallacies / dishonest techniques. I made some alterations to the names, combined some, and removed others. I expanded the explanation at the top, and included links to wikipedia articles for more information about each subject. Thanks to Watchamadoodle, Pizz-atheist, Nestor for their feedback which has helped me make these changes.
20/03/2015: Added a Links page where I recommend all my favourite things to watch or read.
02/03/2015: Added the text for No true Scotsman and Irrelevant conclusion to the Logical fallacies page.
02/03/2015: Added the text for Unsupported assertion, False dichotomy and Quote mining to the Logical fallacies page.
01/03/2015: Improved the wording of the What is atheism / theism? section and added more content. Also changed the title and content of What atheism is not page to make it clearer that these are optional rather than exclusive stances. Also added about Satanism. Thanks to Watchamadoodle and Dystopia for feedback which led me to improve these pages.
26/02/2015: Added What atheism is not page to the Atheism section.
25/02/2015: Fixed a typo, and expanded my explanation of The scientific method. Thanks to Watchamadoodle for pointing out these issues.
24/02/2015: Added Playing the organ plage to the Extras section.
24/02/2015: Revamped the Logical fallacies page to give examples of each fallacy next to the button. I added the text for Argument ad neaseum, Tu quoque, Non Sequitur and Ad Hominem.
24/02/2015: Added Chapter 6 (video) of the Never Ending Story. Thanks to Alex K for recording this.
23/02/2015: Added Chapter 6 (text) of the Never Ending Story.
21/02/2015: Added the content for Appeal to popularity and Appeal to authority to the Logical fallacy section.
20/02/2015: Changed some of the wording in the What is god page in the Atheism section to be less sarcastic! I also noted that the categories of definitions can overlap. Thanks to dennyg for pointing this out.
19/02/2015: Added a new page, Logical fallacies, to the Clear thinking section. I have only written some of the fallacies so far, the rest I will be writing soon.
19/02/2015: Added more to "My position" in the About section.
18/02/2015: Added a new page, "Dealing with family and friends" to the Atheism section.
18/02/2015: Changed the background to a nice path in the woods, last background was a bit dreary.
18/02/2015: Added some colour to the buttons in the different sections.
17/02/2015: Added my video of Chapter 5 of the Never Ending Story.
17/02/2015: Added "My Position" to the About section.
15/02/2015: Added link to my blog topic from atheistforums.org on the Contact / forum section.
15/02/2015: Added Chapter 5 (text) of the Never Ending Story.
15/02/2015: Added "What's New" button on title bar, linking to this page.
15/02/2015: Corrected a typo in atheistforums.org link on Never Ending Story page, thanks to emilynghiem for pointing this out to me.