"Do you want to upset your mother and father over this?"
"God will judge you, and you will suffer."
This is where the opponent has run out of arguments, and tries to scare you into agreeing with them. This is an easy tactic where religion is concerned, because they can appeal to all sorts of things such as hell, sin, judgement, jesus dying for you, and so on. Because these are all "invisible" threats, religious people have gotten away with this kind of thing for far too long because you can't prove they aren't real. But for them to claim that these things are real, for this reason, is an argument from ignorance.
This is a fallacy because it is not an argument, it's an attempt to make you submit through intimidation. It's trying to appeal to your emotions rather than address your points. Such dirty tactics should have no place in a serious debate, or in fact anywhere. If what they are saying is valid, they should be able to put forward good arguments to support it and not resort to threats and scare tactics.